Activities take place from 9.30am - 4.00pm.

EASTER: Week beginning April 14 (Monday - Friday).

SUMMER: Weeks beginning:

June 30

July 7, 14, 21, 28

August 4, 11 (All weeks Monday - Friday).

Full week price

EASTER: Monday - Friday. Week beginning April 14.

SUMMER: All weeks Monday - Friday. Weeks beginning June 30, July 7, 14, 21, 28 August 4, 11.


(i.e. Monday - Friday in one week)

Book now

Subsequent full week

Discount Price


Book now

or each additional brother or sister

Full week price


Book now

Day bookings

5 day price

£25 per day

(i.e. 5 days spread over summer)

Book now

Subsequent 5 'scattered days' price

£23 per day

Book now

or each additional brother or sister

5 'scattered days' price

£23 per day

Book now

Need an early drop off or late pick up?

Breakfast club

Drop off 8.30am for an additional charge of £5.00 per child per day. A modest breakfast will be available until 9.00am.

£5.00 per day

Book now

Late supervision

4.00 - 5.00pm each day for an additional charge of £5.00 per child per day.

£5.00 per day

Book now