Booking Conditions

1. Confirmation

In 2025 a minimum number of 5 days must be booked for each child from the total of 35 days available in the summer. These can all be in one week or can be spread out over the summer ('scattered days'). The booking system allows for individual days to be booked and will indicate the total amount due after you have selected the days you wish to book. A minimum of 3 days must be booked for each child at Easter.

Online booking in 2025 requires parents to pay the full amount for their chosen courses by credit or debit card through Shopify. Please note that this payment is regarded by us as your acceptance of the Booking Conditions. The total amount payable will automatically appear on the payment page.

Your booking will be confirmed immediately by email and you will be directed to an Information Page for further details.

2. Cancellation

If you have to cancel a booking you must inform us in writing as soon as possible. Unless written notification of cancellations is received, a booking will stand. All cancellations will be acknowledged by us and are subject to the following charges:

Time of booking – 57+ days : 20% of total paid
56 – 29 days : 30% of total paid
28 – 15 days : 50% of total paid
15 – 1 day : 75% of total paid
On, or after commencement date : 100% of total paid

No refund is made for any days not attended nor can they be transferred to a subsequent day during camp.

3. Personal Property

Expensive and treasured items such as jewellery, personal video games, mobile phones, designer clothes/shoes/trainers etc. should not be brought to camp as they are often inappropriate for use during activity sessions. We do not accept liability for loss or damage to any property belonging to participants.

4. Unsuitability

We reserve the right to exclude or refuse any person, at any time prior to, or during the course, if in our opinion, that person is not compatible with the general enjoyment and objective of the course, and no refund of the course will be made.