Key Information


This will be the 33rd year of our summer programmes for children. The last four have been influenced by COVID which now thankfully appears to have receded though we still follow some of the valuable practices from those times including encouragement of hand washing for the children. We will also continue to ask parents not to enter any buildings we use at any time.  

Even if you have enrolled your children in recent years please read everything as there are some changes from last Easter and summer.

1. This year the early supervision and late collection facilities will once again be in the Key Stage 1 building in Campbell. For parents not familiar with the school, turn left past the security barrier just after the main entrance, park and walk over to the gate leading to the building. A member of staff will check your registration and guide your child to another member of staff at the front door.

2. Super 4s – This group will be based in the Kindergarten Building for the entire summer. Campbell College have asked us to use the car park to the left of its main building. To access the car park follow the road to the main red-brick building, turn left then right and past the ‘Matron’ sign. Park in the area behind the hedge then turn back to walk along the path beside the building and cross the road at the zebra crossing. Access the gap and turn right to the building.

3. Superkids will be based in the Key Stage 1 Building in Campbell. For parents not familiar with the school, turn left past the security barrier just after the main entrance, park and walk over to the building. We can accept Superkids from 9.15am. Please do not bring Superkids to the gate beside the car park before 9.15am unless they have been enrolled for early supervision.

4. If any early collection of a child is required please notify a leader in the morning so that the child can be brought out to meet you at the arranged time.

5. Older children (aged 7-14) will be based in 2 separate buildings again this summer.  Children following Sport ONLY courses will use the Stormont Pavilion in Campbell College. To access the car park park follow the road to the main red-brick building, turn right and drive a short distance down the slope, then turn left into the second car park and walk to the building on the right with the curved roof.

6. Enrolment for children on the Sport/Art/Drama course will take place in the Middle School. To access the car park follow the road to the main red-brick building, turn right and drive a short distance down the slope, then turn left into the first car park.

7. Enrolment for older children is available from 9.15 each Monday and from 9.25 for the rest of the week. If you are bringing an older child and a Superkid (age 5-6) or a Super 4, it is probably best to enrol the younger child first before making the longer journey to the second car park.

8. It is essential that whoever is responsible for delivering and collecting the children each day is aware that all courses at Campbell begin by 9.25am and finish at 4.00pm. We cannot be responsible for children outside these times unless the early or late supervision facilities (8.30-9.25am and 4.00-5.00pm) have been pre-booked.

9. Sports Weeks participants should come dressed each day in appropriate attire and bring:

  • Packed lunch, if required, and drinks. We would encourage children to bring their own bottle of water which can be refilled during the day.
  • Tennis racket, if possible.
  • Art apron (Super 4s, Superkids, and Art/Drama only.)
  • Waterproof or shower proof garment.
  • Suncream.
  • Peaked cap (if sunny and warm).

NOTE: In the interests of any children attending who may have a nut allergy, please do not include any food with nut content in your child’s snack or lunch.

10. Our popular BBQ will be available once again for tasty hot food at lunch time. Prices are: hot dog £1.70, burger £2.00, cheeseburger £2.10, and chicken burger £2.20. Please make sure to order BBQ in the morning. There will be a tuck shop available as usual.

11. Activities will progress irrespective of weather conditions. We will be able to use Sports Halls in case of persistent rain, although outdoor activities will continue in light rain. We will also use the Sports Halls for basketball, badminton, and indoor football.

12. Any parent arriving later than 4.15pm can collect their child from the Late Club location at Key Stage 1 (first left upon entering Campbell). Please inform us as soon as possible if you think you might be arriving late.

13. We cannot accept responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, the property of participants. Please do not bring any items of high value.

14. During each Sports Week, it will be possible to contact us with an important message between 8.30am and 4.30pm each day – Daniel's number is 07841 514981 and my number is 07767 271144. For routine enquiries, please send an email to

If you have any further queries before the Sports Week begins, you can contact us by telephone, text, or e-mail.

Thank you for booking a course at Campbell this year.